Howdy, strangers! I had all the best of intentions of popping in here a little more often over the last week or so, but then everything got all sorts of insane and I um, did not do that. This was by far our most disastrous move to date, and I don't think that I am being overly dramatic in claiming that more things went unexpectedly wrong than not.
The day of the move was 93 degrees, and the air conditioning in the house was broken when we arrived, making the third floor bedrooms in the house well over 100 degrees. And then then movers didn't show up, and the stairs into our apartment turned out to be stunningly narrow (and at a 90 degree angle to the door), totally eclipsing the chance of fitting the new couch into the house. Or any couch, actually. Somehow, knowing that the old couch wouldn't have fit either makes me feel just incrementally less sad.
But we are here, and so it most of our stuff. Which, by the way, I now feel mostly obsessed with trying to get rid of because moving it was hard. And I don't want to do it again. Ever. But then my feelings about getting rid of All the Things get all mixed up with my feelings about how nice it is to have a wooden goose to play with, or the right size knitting needles when you need them.
Speaking of which, the knitting basket is unpacked, and tucked away in a dining room corner. So that's nice. Also nice is all of the sweet feedback people have been sending my way about the new issue of Alphabet Glue! I haven't had as much time to share the new issue as I usually do, but it seems that you all are really enjoying this one and knowing that has made this challenging week feel a whole lot better. So thank you! I like it too, but it is always nice to know that you agree!
Okay, I have to go assemble furniture and what not. But I'll be back. Promise.