Although the talk around this space lately has been all about books and Glue, woodpiles and kids' crafts, leaves and armfuls of pumpkins, there is something else going on behind the scenes, and since it is starting to take up more and more space in my life, I thought that I might just go ahead and share with you all.
Yes, as some astute readers might have already guessed, I'm talking about residency applications. When we last left our hero, so to speak, residency applications were in and we were waiting to hear about interviews. Well. Interview invitations have been coming in at a rate that was perhaps unanticipated and at press time, Dan has been asked to interview at something like thirteen programs across the country.
I don't know how many of you are familar with the residency match system, but it is weirdly complex and somewhat difficult to explain. There are computer algorithms involved, and it is the mysterious super computer that will ultimately make the match for us. And, whatever the computer decides is final. The name of the city that it spits out will be our home for the next four years, and we don't have the option of saying no. Intense, right? But we do have the ability to rank our preferences and to have that ranked list included in the computer's decision making process. Over the next three months, we will be researching like crazy and trying to make the very best list that we can.
Here is where you could help a girl out. I'm going to list the cities that are on our current list of possibles, and if you know something about them, I'd love to hear about your experiences there or what you think of the place. Obviously, I'm particularly interested in things like youth music programs, access to nature, good libraries, and the possibility for semi-rural living. I won't list all of the possible locations here because there are a handful that we feel pretty knowledgable about already (California and Vermont programs, namely), but here are the others:
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Atlanta, Georgia
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Salt Lake City, Utah
Madison, Wisconsin
Portland, Maine
Hanover, New Hampshire
If you know anything about any of these cities and family life there, I'd be ever so grateful if you shared your experience in the comments below. Thanks, everyone!