As some of you might have already guessed, I kind of like projects. And to be busy. And to make stuff. And do things. And, when it gets quiet here, it is often because I am making and doing things in secret. Shhhh...
This turns out to be the case right now as well. As of yesterday, Dawn and I received our contract from Roost for the book that we are publishing with them in 2015. As you might expect, we are just a *little* bit excited about this, and have been all twitchy with wanting to share the news. But these things often have to be kept quiet until they are all official and what not, so I have had to bite my tongue in many a post here over the last couple of months.
I don't think I'm allowed to tell you anything more just yet, but when I am, believe you me- I will do so. In the meantime, I can tell you that if you are an Alphabet Glue or Mud Puddles to Meteors fan, this book will be very much up your proverbial alley.
So, a little cheer for good things happening during times of big transition. Life might be tricky here and there lately, but it certainly has its bright spots.
disclosure: These photos are really and truly random and unrelated to anything I just said. The cat sign is awesome though, right?