I'm continuing, bit by bit, to knit away at the yoke of my Tea Leaves cardi. Progress is admittedly slow here, but I've been super busy over the last week. So much so that on Monday, around mid-day, I stopped and said aloud to myself, "Today is the busiest day." And it kind of was. But there have been some free minutes for knitting, and so I've made it about forty rows in.
pinhole viewboxes from Volume Eleven
I've also been occupied with tying up the loose ends on Volume Eleven of Alphabet Glue. I'm surprisingly close to being finished, so much so that I might even classify myself as being ahead of schedule this time around. But it never seems to make good sense to do end-of-the-week launches of a new issue, and I'm sure that there are ducks that have escaped the row, so to speak. So, I'll plan for a Monday release.
When not knitting or Gluing, I've been reading. I'm currently about three-quarters of the way through Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott. It turns out to be the perfect book for me to be reading right now, and I've been enjoying every word. "Courage is fear that has said its prayers," she says. Yes, indeed.
Yarning along with Ginny today.