2012 was made of beach sand and baby toes. Sweater sleeves and backyard birding. Stacks of library books, lakeside stoneskipping, cooking up jars upon jars of tomatillo salsa from the garden. We settled into life as a family of four, and started exploring the possibilities for our Big Move, now only a few months away. I saw fireflies for the very first time, Mariam learned to play Dvorak on the violin. There was birthday cake, tree climbing, acorn gathering. We saw a space shuttle, rescued ladybugs, and watched Venus cross in front of the sun. It may have been a year of smaller moments than its predecessor, but 2013 promises big enough stuff to make up for many years of more ordinary days.
So Happy New Year to you and yours. May your year be one of finding joy and wonder in both the everyday and the extraordinary. Peace.