I have been doing a lot of knitting this last week. Pretty much whenever the small people are asleep, I've got the needles out and am clickety-clacking away. The baby has been under the weather most of the last ten days and the resulting challenges to our attempts to peacefully go about business as usual have been significant. But, I've almost got my pair of mittens finished up, and I have optimistically declared that all stuffy noses are to be absent from here by the weekend.
In other news, which is likely to bring much less of a shock to those of you who are not me, today turns out to be my 35th birthday. So that's something. 34 was a year that brought a lot of changes around here, what with the birth of the second child and all of that business. But 35 promises even more change still, especially since it is looking increasingly likely that we will be packing up and heading back to California when the summer rolls around. Or, that we will ask the magical residency match computer to send us there, anyway. Which seems simultaneously completely insane (cost of living! residency salary!) and incredibly sensible (people we love! beaches!). I'm starting 35 with a lot on my mind, yes, but also a sense that with big change comes the opportunity to lay your life out in front of you and decide what it should look like going forward. And it sure is easier to have a vision of what you'd like it to be at 35 than it is at 25. Goodness.
Oh, and in honor of my 35th trip around our friendly neighborhood star, I'm having a big Alphabet Glue sale. Between right this very minute and 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday night, all of Glueland is 35% off. Just enter "birthday" at checkout.
Yarning along with Ginny today...