As I was tinkering with PDF files this evening, and getting up to go put the teething baby back to sleep about every ten minutes, I got to thinking. Ten issues of Alphabet Glue is a lot of writing. A lot of pictures. A lot of projects and printables and activities and booklists. I think that it is probably about 400 pages of these things, actually. Which then got me thinking about the fact that textbooks are also commonly about 400 pages long. So, I guess that I have written the equivalent of a textbook.
But instead of being about particle physics or art history or invertibrate zoology, my textbook is about paper parachutes and robots and penguins and how to turn pretty much anything into a book. It is about rockets powered by Alka-Seltzer, inter-family postal services and drafting stacks upon stacks of comic books. I have written a textbook about storytelling, imagination, daydreaming and finding the world in the pages of a really good book.
I have officially published ten issues of Alphabet Glue.
You can read up on all the good stuff tucked inside Volume Ten of Alphabet Glue on the brand new, shiny Volume Ten page here.
But before you go, I have decided that on this semi-momentous occasion of publishing the tenth volume of my little magazine, I should have some kind of a party. Seeing as how you all probably live more than a decent driving distance away, let's do this instead:
I am giving two winners a complete set of all ten volumes of Alphabet Glue, plus a super gift bundle for three friends of their choosing. And I can happily time the mailing of the gift cards so that they arrive at an appropriate time for holiday gift giving.
If you would like to win a complete set of Glue for yourself and three friends, simply leave a comment on this post telling me the best book you read this year. I'll pick the winners via random number on Friday afternoon and notify them via email.