If Mondays are all about hopefulness and good intentions, then I think that Fridays are probably about having a good laugh at yourself and that early-in-the-week naivete. Whatever grand plans I may have had for this week, the reality was something more along the lines of spending my time washing and drying quilts and sheets after diapers leaked during the night.
Folding piles upon piles of laundry and wondering, really wondering, where does that other sock go? Anyone? And is it possible that my daughter dresses entirely in mistmatched pajamas and striped tights? Because it certainly does appear that way.
But here is the thing that I keep coming back to: attempting to find the moment that I am inside and just be there. I keep thinking about how a friend of mine once posted a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh above the kitchen sink in the house that we shared in college. It said "Washing the dishes is like bathing a baby Buddha."
So there it is. The grand plans, the big projects, the things that you would love to be doing or feel like you should be doing- but aren't? Those are probably for later. Dream them, but be willing to let them float out there on a tether if you need to. The laundry pile and the dish-doing and the ridulousness of trying to keep little hands from being busy where you feel like they shouldn't be busy? All of that is now. And all of it somehow comes together and comprises the moments that make up this thing called ordinary life.
And ordinary life has plenty to offer, really.