I had decided last week that I would try to have a post ready to go for this Wednesday so that I could link up with Ginny's Yarn Along post for the week. And, I have been working away on the sleeves of a pullover that I'm knitting for Mariam so I suppose that I could have shared that with you. But honestly, the majority of non-baby wrangling moments over the last few days were spent trying to save a skein of Cherrytree Hill sock yarn that had gotten very nearly hopelessly tangled but that I just refused to give up on.
How, you might wonder, did this tiny disaster happen? Well, one evening while Dan was on shift at the hospital and I was trying to convince small people of the wisdom of reasonable bedtimes, the extraordinarly ornery cat retrived the ball of yarn from a high shelf and gave it to the puppy. You can guess what happened next.
My mom was here visiting this last week, and she and I took turns working on the tangled mess until it was finally rolled back up into a tidy little ball again. It took three days. My friend Sarah taught my mom to knit while she was here, and the speed with which my mom learned to knit away like a seasoned pro was stunning. She got on the plane this morning with half a cowl already finished. And, her enthusiasm inspired Mariam to ask me to teach her again, which is a moment that I have been waiting for, let me tell you. Because if there is anything that I know about my girl, it is that there isn't any point in trying to teach her something before she decides that it was her idea all along.