Although red leaves and orange pumpkins might seem the obvious choices for representing autumn in New England, I think that if I had to choose symbols of the season, I would probably go with woodpiles and chrysanthemums instead. Because this time of year it seems like everyone around here is putting out potted mums for front porch decoration and building a backyard woodpile in anticipation of the very cold nights ahead. Which, if the weather report is to be believed at all, should be starting tomorrow.
This past weekend, we went to have dinner with some friends, and to help split some wood from a tree that had fallen in their yard a couple of years ago. It had been a rainy, rainy week, but Saturday afternoon cleared just enough to make it possible to be outside and stay at least moderately dry.
My camera battery chose to give out mid-splitting, so I wasn't able to
get the necessary photos to immortalize the menfolk and their wood
cutting prowess here on the blog. Unfortunate for so very many reasons.
We ended up with nice little woodpile of our very own, stacked on the front porch where we can easily grab a log without having to change out of slippers or risk getting too cold. Plus, I think that front porch woodpiles have a very nice aesthetic appeal to them.
Sort of like potted chrysanthemums do.
And by the way, thanks so much to all of you for the remarkably warm reception you've given the new issue of Alphabet Glue and for all of your positive feedback on the new website. Don't forget to enter the giveaway for the Alphabet Glue craft kit here.