Yesterday was the harvest festival at or favorite local historical farm. We go every year because honestly, I am unable to resist the call of roasted corn on the cob and warm caramel apples. I am a reasonable person, afterall.
There are plenty of things to say and do at the festival but somehow, Mariam spent the entire day running in and out of the hay bale maze with her friends from school. Which was fine with me. I was able to sit in the grass with Zak and talk with friends and eat my apple in relative peace. Not a bad Saturday, really.
And, we met this guy. I wonder what he'll do now that our very cold winter is on the way? A good question to pose to my resident researcher, I think.
A few other weekend notes:
* nido is having a three year anniversary sale! It's today only, and everything in the shop is 20%. Definitely check it out if you are a sewer or a knitter. Phiona has impeccable taste and everything in her shop is lovely. I'm headed over to the brick and mortar shop this afternoon to say hello and to pick up a little shot cotton for a couple of new shirts I'd like to sew. You know, in all of my free time. Ha!
* Amanda has reopened her Etsy shop! Those of you who read her blog know that her photographs are beautiful, and now you can hang one on your very own wall. I like this one, myself
* Speaking of Amanda, she shared this post about the current issue of Alphabet Glue last month, but somehow I totally missed it until now. Love.
* Speaking of Alphabet Glue, don't forget that all this week when you download Volume Six, Seven or Eight, I'll send you a free copy of Volume Three.
* And also speaking of Alphabet Glue, I'm working away at finishing the new AG website (yes, finally!) and I'm wondering if anyone has photos of projects from the magazine that they might like to share with me so that I could post them there? If so, I would love to have them sent my direction! You can email them to me at [email protected].