Here and there I will get an email from a parent or teacher who is wondering if there are particular Alphabet Glue activities that are more likely to appeal to the presumably rambunctious boys in their charge. I generally send some kind of reply saying that I think Alphabet Glue is for everyone and their cousin too, but it occurred to me this afternoon that perhaps a bit more specific guidance might be appreciated for those who have inquired. Fair enough. Not that I even want to touch the controversial territory of boys vs. girls and who likes to do what. Because I most certainly do not. I just want to give a helping hand to some of you parents out there who are raising busy boys and are on the hunt for ways to incorporate a little bit of bookishness into that busy.
Here is a list of Alphabet Glue activities that I think translate well for boys who want to do something hands on, science-related or in the out of doors (and yes, I think that it is just fine to invite their sisters along too).
* Alka-Seltzer rockets from The Science Special
* simple compasses from Volume Two
* DIY detective kits from Volume Two
* toothpick bridge construction from Volume Three
* paper parachutes from Volume Six
* cardboard constellation scopes from Volume Seven
* draw-your-own comics from Volume Eight
* backyard bug boxes from Volume Seven
And, with October on the way, I'm hard at work on Volume Nine. More about that very soon!