It feels like there is a whole lot happening around our house right now. Then again, all of the busy is comprised mostly of smaller events, chores, and tasks, and it makes it feel like there really isn't all that much happening at all. Just life.
Dan's residency application will very likely go in today. As in, about an hour from now. He's been working overnight shifts in the emergency room the last couple of days and lining up the final metaphorical application ducks during the middle of the night lulls. We are applying to twenty-three programs. From sea to shining sea. The final word will be decidede via super computer and delivered in a sealed envelope on March 15th. Which is a Friday, by the way. Not that it is on our minds at all.
Some people, who do not like to wear socks but do enjoy "singing along" to nineties Mexican pop music and Stevie Wonder, are mere days away from crawling. Days. Already. Sigh.
Volume Nine of Alphabet Glue is well on its way to finished, but I will have to admit that my ailing macbook is making things a bit slow this time around. I still hope to be finished in time for an October 1st launch, but I'm definitely behind where I had thought that I might be at this time! We will have various wonderful and exciting out of town visitors over the next few weeks (parents, friends, new babies!) so I've decided to cut myself any necessary slack to just enjoy being with people while they are here.
Ooh... Dan just came down the hall to say that he has officially pressed the "submit" button. Residency applications are in, folks. Fingers crossed!
edit to add: I've been doing some housekeeping around the old blog. If you are an email subscriber or read through a feed, you might try clicking over to see some of the changes that I've made!