Do you know one thing that I like very much? When I finally get to let you all in on a secret project that I've been working on behind the scenes, that's what. I am therefore delighted to report that today you can read my very first post as an official and regular contributor to Mariah's awesome website, Playful Learning. I'll be posting over there a couple of times a month, and I'll be sure to let you know when there is something new there that you might like to check out. My first post is a Glue-style tutorial for making origami boxes out of recyled artwork. You can find it here. They are perfect for the stashing and safekeeping of tiny summer treasures and I think that you will like them very much. Make one, make a dozen, and, if you feel so inclined, perhaps you would pin the tutorial on Pinterest or share it via Twitter or Facebook? It's always nice to get a new project started off on just the right foot, if you know what I mean.
In other news, our friends at Sparkle Stories have a free story available in honor of Father's Day. Click here to have a listen.