April showers, indeed. Over the last week we have had incredible amounts of rain, most of it associated with big, loud, dark and dramatic thunderstorms. On more than one evening, the rain was so loud that it woke me from my deep jet-lag induced sleep. The result of all this rain? Water. Everywhere.
The lake level is at an all time high, and unfortunately, this has meant road closures and for some people, flooding of their homes. I was nearly forty minutes late for work this morning because the roads I generally drive were apparently underwater.
Earlier this week, we spent a few extra minutes after school enjoying the sparse sunshine with some of Mariam's classmates. The kids immediately became wholly absorbed in the process of building a dam across one of the impromptu streams that had appeared in the wake of all the rainfall. Watching them puzzle out which rocks, sticks and balls of mud to add and where to place them was pretty enjoyable, and in the end I was glad that we took the bit of time to play in the mud.
Now, any suggestions for removing tons and tons of mud from frilly pink dresses?